Saturday, September 18, 2010

First Apartment :)

Wow four more days! Today as I was driving home from camping, I realized my boyfriend and I will be moving in to our very first apartment extremely soon! When I was younger I always wanted to grow up and make my own rules and be able to have my own money with no responsibilities. Then you actually grow up and realize that it isn't that easy and it isn't that fun. A couple of college kids with part time jobs sounds more like a struggle to me than anything else! Plus on top of working for money and our education, we have to work towards our relationship. High school flings are never finalized but when you make a dedication to someone its a lot more work then a school dance, stolen kisses, and a few roses. It's scary!!!! And having one of my big fears be divorce doesn't help. My parents have been divorced since I was 8 and almost everyone I know has had or is getting a divorce, so how the heck am I supposed to know if this is a smart choice? Is the risk really ever worth the failure?

1 comment:

  1. Shanell - asking yourself all these questions, in my humble opinion, shows that you are self aware, and aware of the consequences of what you are doing. That's great!!
